
Dear our beloved customers, our survival through this difficult situation is completely based on your kind support. We create this giveaway as a THANK YOU, and we hope this will be a Christmas gift for you and your family.
Prize Value: $1,000 cash and 2 gift cards valued $100 each.
Start day: 11/20/2020
End time: 12/20/2020 at 8:00 pm
Enter the Phonomenal Customer Appreciation Sweepstakes for your chance to win our grand prize $1,000 check, along with two additional prizes of $100 gift card each.
Phonomenal Customer Appreciation Sweepstake ticket is only for dine-in customers and customers ordering take-out (to-go) directly through our website (www.PhonomenalAshburn.com), phone, or walk-in with a minimum of $20 to enter. Grubhub, Doordash, and UberEat orders are not valid for entry.
The Sweepstakes is open only to individuals who are residents of the United States and who are 18 years of age or older on the Day of participation. Employees of Pho Nomenal are not eligible to enter.
How To Enter?
After dining in with us or ordering take-out through our website (www.PhonomenalAshburn.com), by phone, or walk-in, you will receive a raffle ticket, please write your names and phone number into the tickets and drop in our secret box. Only one raffle ticket will be given for each receipt of over $20. There are no limitations on how many times you can enter the sweepstake.
We will end the sweepstakes and draw the winner at 8:00 pm on Sunday, 12/20/2020 right at our restaurant. You can receive double entry tickets on the three final days of the sweepstake.
Winners will be announced directly at our restaurants, on our Facebook Page, Instagram Page. Please follow our Facebook and Instagram Page for the announcement. We will also contact the winner directly through our phones to set up a prize receipt date.
The Grand Prize Winner will receive a check of $1,000.
Two additional Prize Winner will receive our restaurant gift cards of $100 each. The gift cards will be eligible for usage for one year starting 1/1/2021.